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Work Experience

Senior Backend Engineer
Jan 2021 - now is one of the largest fintech company in Indonesia focusing on investment.


I lead development for several important projects such as:

  • Bibit Saham (Bibit Stock Transactions)
    In this project, my team responsible for integrating Bibit system with Stockbit system to enable Stock Transactions within Bibit App.

  • RDN Payment
    RDN stands for Rekening Dana Nasabah. It is a bank account that can be used primarily for Stock Transactions. But, Bibit users can also use it as a kind of E-wallet in the Bibit App, so that users can buy Mutual Funds and Bonds. It can also be used as an Autodebet Recurring Payment for Mutual Funds.
    My team is responsible for managing integration with Stockbit as well as an Indonesian Payment Gateway. Beside that, we also responsible for handling Recurring Transaction with this RDN Payment.

  • Bibit SBN
    SBN stands for Surat Berharga Negara (Government Bonds), which are bond products from the Indonesian Government that can only be sold by Mitra Distribusi (Distribution Partner). To become a Distribution Partner, Bibit has to follow all the required regulations and have a stable system.
    My team is responsible for managing products, orders, integrating with the Ministry of Finance of Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkeu RI) system, handling payment for the order, and making sure the Bibit system is secure, reliable, and stable.
    We got achievement in 2022 as a Distribution Partner with the highest sales in the Fintech category

  • Bibit Fixed Rate Bonds
    My team is responsible for managing products, orders, integrating with Stockbit and handling Coupon Distribution Transaction in Bibit App

  • Bibit Bareng (Shared Portfolio)
    The project's goal is to enable multiple users to invest in a shared place (portfolio). It will encourage users to invest with their friends in a more fun way. There are two roles in the shared porto which are Admin and Regular User.
    My team is responsible for handling Portfolio creation, managing shared activities/timeline, as well as calculating the Portfolio.

Tech Stacks

  • Language & Frameworks:
    • Node.js
    • Express.js
  • Cloud:
    • AWS Lambda
    • AWS SQS
    • AWS SNS
    • AWS S3
    • AWS SES
  • Logging & Monitoring:
    • Sentry
    • Grafana
    • New Relic
  • Database:
    • MySQL
    • Redis
    • AWS DynamoDB


Fullstack Developer
Dec 2017 - Dec 2020

Rebelworks is a Software Agency in Jakarta which has many clients.


  • Warehouse Management System
    I was responsible for building Warehouse Management System for a client (DBO). I, in a team, build the manager app from scratch using Laravel and some parts using Vue.js. I also integrate the app with Google Maps to show the visitation locations of a Salesman.
    In the app, there are many features such as:
    • User Management
    • Inventory/Product Management
    • Transactions
    • Salesman Monitoring
    • Report
    • etc

Tech Stacks

  • Language & Frameworks:
    • PHP
    • Laravel
    • Javascript
    • Vue.js
  • Cloud:
    • AWS EC2
  • Logging & Monitoring:
    • Sentry
  • Database:
    • MySQL